Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dreaming Boats

What do boats do in the winter? I suspect that most hibernate. They get the people they own to winterize their engines and then they dream of summer. They dream of whales and fish and overnight camping trips. They dream of sunny days on calm waters and sliding up onto rock-infested beaches. They dream of oil-changes and new propellers. They dream of salmon derbies and crab hauls. Whatever they do, I assure you that they were not exploring the inside passages this weekend. Event he bravest of boats don't venture out in 8 foot seas.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Winter Continues

On a stroll along the Auke Bay docks, I spotted a crew unloading their winter crab catch. Their hold was full of dungeness crab and they were working hard to unload it.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when I came across a porcupine sauntering down the middle of the road. I thought they hibernated in the winter but apparently not. He didn't really like being the center of attention so he headed off across a snowy field.

Two things that make for a miserable weather mix are cold and wind. That is exactly what we are getting. After a week or two of nice snow, the weather has turned bitterly cold. I took a quick trip downtown after school yesterday and captured this arctic gust which threatened to blow pedestrians down the road. The news reports we could get gusts up to 70 mph. Brrrrrrrr.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Winter Begins

We have had snow on the ground for over a week now. I am always a little nervous about the early snows because they are so beautiful and yet so fleeting. November snow-stick generally only has a half-life of 2 days before rain begins to slush it away. This time it has stayed for 10 days. Yesterday we were hit especially hard with around 12 inches of snow and more expected tomorrow. Everyone is crossing their fingers for a snow-day but I think it is unlikely to dump that much overnight.

There has been a lot of snowfall this week. With school canceled for two days, there was much time to enjoy the great outdoors. My friends Janet and Dana went for a walk in the woods with me. It was impressive to find undisturbed evidence of just how much had accumulated.

Snow was made for children.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sunset in the Tongass National Forest

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

This is the Alaska State Capitol building where the legislature meets and the governor's office is located. Today we will vote for a new governor. -

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Begins

This past sunny Saturday was such a blessing. The sky was clear and the air was crisp. Snow came a long way down the mountains but none had reached the valley yet. Stopping at Auke Lake, I caught this floatplane taking off. It is the time of year that these planes must leave the lakes before they get frozen in. -