Romanian Summer Mission Report 4
Geoffrey's Report - We are at the half way point in our ministry here. We have two more weeks in the campaign and then we are going to take a little break and do some traveling. However, we are currently focused on the Lord's work in Bucharest. This week has been one of joy and exhaustion. We each have eight or so students who have come regularly and we have formed some deep friendships already. I guess that is expected to happen when people talk about personal matters and the Lord. We have also met with many more students who have come for one or two meetings and then dropped out. This does not discourage us because we feel that even with one session, seeds of God's love have been planted. We pray for each of our students daily.
This week, I have had several wonderful and interesting conversations with students. I asked one of them if they would like to live in a place like the garden of Eden. Usually when I ask this question, the answer is "Yes. That would be very relaxing." However, this student said, "Yes. I would love to live there because right now I don't have the time or strength to walk and talk with God constantly. I think Adam and Eve had a wonderful opportunity to be in continual communication with God and I would like that." This showed a deep understanding of what it takes to have a deep relationship with God.
One of the nice things about returned this year has been in continuing relationships with several students from previous years. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon I meet with Laurentiu and Andrea. They are both returning students. Laurentiu is growing in his English Language skills and each time gets better and better at it. More importantly, he and I get into good conversations about what it means to have a relationship with God. He has come to church with me several times and has kept up a relationship with Albert throughout the year. I think he is looking for a church that emphasises the God relationships.
I have Andrea at the end of the day. That is a very good thing because we get into deep and rich conversations and it pumps the energy back into my body after a long day. He and I decided that other day that God's word is simple and complex. That is, it is simple enough for the least educated person to understand and complex enough that the greatest scholars can not fully comprehend it. He asks many thought provoking questions about how Jesus chose his apostles and what God expects from each of us. Each question is multilayered and is often pointing to an underlying answer. He keeps challenging me to stay on my toes and I keep reminding Andrea that God loves him and simply wants his devotion.
As you can see, our time here continues to go well and we continue to grow. We ask God daily to give us strength and to allow the Word to penetrate the hearts of our students. We know God will bless these seeds.
Dana's Report - Today concludes the second week of studies with my students. Depending on the availability and committment of each student, I've had the opportunity to study between 1 and 6 times with each person. As we've entered further into the text, I've found connections and similarities with my students, resulting in many interesting and thought-provoking conversations. Additionally, God has been working in me, making changes and softening my heart in ways I couldn't have imagined!
One special student that I spoke with this week is Crina. Crina is 29 years old and originally from Belgium. She speaks fluent English, works for the Metro System, and is one of the most energetic, animated students on my roster. Crina attends an Orthodox Church in Bucharest and has a lot of skeptism regarding the practices of this faith. Crina expressed her distrust of the priests in her congregation, sharing that many priests charge its members money in order to pray for its followers. Additionally, Crina is aware of much hypocrisy within the church, citing that a priest may teach others to show kindness, however, he doesn't exemplify this characteristic in his own life. I've really enjoyed my conversations with Crina and although she is typically hesitant to share her personal feelings and beliefs about God, she has become comfortable to do so during our studies. Although Crina doesn't feel ready to leave her church, she is becoming more aware of the discrepancies between what the Bible teaches and what her church teaches and practices. Please pray that Crina will continue to seek God and be open to hearing His Word during our sessions.
Another student that has been actively searching for God is Felicia. Felicia joined the WEI program late last week. She expressed her love for Jesus when she joined the class and recently revealed her desire to have a deeper, more personal relationship with God. As our studies have progressed, I have found that Felicia and I have had some similiar experiences in our lives, feeling alone and undeserving of love. My joy comes from sharing with her that God DOES love us, inspite of our sins, and it is because of His grace that we are cleansed and saved through our faith in Him. Felicia is the first student that has expressed an interest to pray together. This is both exciting and encouraging to me because I can see God working in her heart and impressing a desire for her to draw nearer to him. Please pray that Felicia will experience the love and hope that God offers us through our relationship with Him.
At the half-way mark, I've also been reflecting on God's purpose for bringing me to Romania. Although I've felt confident that it is God's plan for me to be ministering here, I've been surprised by His work in my life, as well as the deep attachments I've made to my students. Last week, one dear student, Nicoletta changed jobs. She is no longer able to attend classes due to her work schedule. I feel a great loss in her departure and ask for prayers for her that she will recognize God's love and see hope in the world. Nicoletta also struggles with feeling alone and needs reassurance that God is with her, even in the darkest hours.
God has given me great strength over the past 3 weeks. I am constantly surprised at His ability to give me the power to get through the day. The days have been long, hot, and sometimes discouraging. But at the perfect time, God has been placing conversations, moments, and experiences that both lift me up and encourage me to continue. I am thankful for my team members, especially Geoffrey, who have brought laughter, joy, and patience in my life. I am hopeful that God will continue to help me open my heart to others. I desire deeper friendships and relationships that our God-centered and I am excited to see His plan for me. Praise God for the work He is doing in each of us here!
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