Thank you for the coffee
Dana has been craving a blended mocha since we got here. It has been especially bad since it started getting extremely hot. As we were walking somewhere, she was asking for the pronunciation of the word "multumesc" (phonetic: mooltzoomeask) which means "I thank you." I told her how I said it and added that there are other forms of it. For example "Multumeam" means "We thank you." Then I started joking with her by saying "multu-mocha" means "I thank you for the coffee." Had I stopped there, she would have believed me. She later told me that had I stopped there, she would have believed me. She was eager to try that out when she found her blended mocha. Unfortunately I pushed too far and told her that "multu-metro" meant "Thanks for letting me on the metro" and "multu-mula" meant "thank you for the money." I think she is starting to learn not to trust me too much.
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