Friday, June 16, 2006

On the Train

As we traveled along the other day, Dana turned to me and told me that she had never been on a train before. I love riding trains. I would travel this way all the time if I could. I find the rhythm of the bumps along the tracks to be relaxing. We spent a lot of time reading and looking at the beautiful country-side outside our window. The train ride up to Sighisoara on Wednesday took 5 hours. Along the way, we saw people working in their fields, houses and sheep grazing, lots of mountains and rivers, and many things you can not see in America anymore.

We also got to talk with a couple Romanians as we traveled. One conversation that was especially good was with a young lady who was returning to her small town after getting some training for her new job. She talked about her feelings about Romanian culture and her apprehentions about Romania entering the European Union. She also talked about her feelings about God. She felt that God must not really love the people of Romania (or the world) because of all the bad things that happened. I tried to assure her that God did love them. He loves everyone and we in-turn need to give our love to others. I think Dana found the conversation to be interesting as we prepare for our classes next week. It gave her a good overview of what our students will be like.

I have included with the last posting is of an older lady we helped at a train station. She was not quick on her feet and we helped her over some tough areas. Although we didn't speak each others language, we connected with smiles and a helping hand. Be sure you do some train traveling when you get a chance. You see a new side of people.


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